SHAPE India setup its Mobile Helpline service in the District of South East Delhi. It is an initiative taken for immediate rescue/assistance of women who are victims of domestic violence and such related forms of atrocities.
Objective of the Mobile Helpline :
The objective of The Mobile helpline Programtme has been started with the purpose of providing effective help the girls/women who become victims of any antisocial behavior like eve-teasing, harassment, disrespect, or any other form of violence and also to provide immediate assistance to women from problems of violence, especially domestic violence by reaching on the spot on receiving complaints in the Helpline No
Goal of Mobile Helpline:
The mission of Mobile Helpline is to bring a revolutionary change in controlling crimes against women and creating a society where women can protest against harassment and molestation with courage.
Activities of Mobile Help Line
1-To provide toll-free 24-hours telecom service to women affected by violence seeking support and information.
2-To facilitate crisis and non-crisis intervention through referral to the appropriate agencies such as police, District Legal Service Authority (DLSA)/Protection Officer (PO)/OSC.
3-To provide information about the appropriate support services, government schemes and programmes available to the woman affected by violence, in her particular situation within the local area in which she resides or is employed
Target Group of the Mobile Helpline Any woman or girl facing violence within public or private sphere of life or seeking information about women related issues in the catchment area.
Outcomes of the Mobile Helpline
As soon as an aggrieved woman or somebody on her behalf will contact Mobile Help Line, her information would be attended by the call. Based on the urgency and the requirements explained by the caller, the counselor will provide relevant support services like Medical Aid, police assistance and provide counseling, shelter, legal aid etc; if the woman needs to be rescued from a violent situation or is in urgent need of medical assistance then the PCR Van from the nearest police station or ambulance from nearest hospital/ 108 service would be dispatched.