Targeted intervention (TI) is a resource-effective way to curb HIV in the area. It is a cost effective method to reach people who are at high HIV risk. Targeted groups comprises of (MSM: Male sex Male, FSW: Female Sex Workers, IDs: Injected drug users, TGs: Transgender, Migrants). In East Delhi, SHAPE India targets MSM since 2008 under DSACS (Delhi State AIDS Control Society) and NACO (National AIDS Control Organization).
SHAPE India aims at reducing the HIV epidemics penetrating into our society. Targeted interventions offers prevention and care services to high risk populations (MSM and TG)
MSM TI program covers East Delhi, and the project office situated at Ganesh Nagar. With a registered population of 2,718 SHAPE India provides necessary counseling, medical services and every support possible to the targeted group.
Targeted groups are educated with necessary information, means and skills to minimize HIV transmission. We also make their path easy to approach care, support and treatment services. Our work is based upon six major components (Under NCAP-III):
• Behavior Change Communication: Understanding and assessing groups/individual’s activities which can pose risk to HIV infection.
• Access to STI Services: To Improve access to STI services.
• Provision of commodities to ensure safe practices: The commodities (only male lubricated latex condoms) supplied through peers, out reach workers and social marketing.
• Enabling Environment through structural intervention: Concentrates on creating an environment facilitating the access to information, services and commodities by the high risk groups.
• Community Organising and Ownership Building
• Linkages to Care and Support Programme
• With proper strategy, SHAPE India was able to achieve 100% condom distribution to the registered targeted population.
• Regular RMC are conducted for the targeted environment.
• Health Camps and multiple community events are organized to educate the population.