Women in our society face multitude of problems and crimes. The Mahila Panchayat Programme being run by the SHAPE India with the collaboration of Delhi Commission for Women assumes great relevance as a support mechanism for women in distress. SHAPE India Mahila Panchayats offer crisis intervention and legal aid at community level and help to tackle local level legal disputes and assist in reduction and reconciliation of violence against women.
1- To investigate and examine all matters relating to the safeguards provided for women under the constitution and other laws
2- To take up the cases of violation of the provision of the Constitution and of other-laws relating to women with appropriate authorities;
3- To empower women of catchment area politically, economically and socially by fulfilling the duties and responsibilities entrusted with it as per the mandate.
Issues Covered in SHAPE India Mahila Panchayat.
Through the Mahila Panchayat Programme, SHAPE India has created a friendly space where sensitive family issues can be discussed, counselling taken and reconciliation attempted at the pre litigation stage. Mahila Panchayats dealt with several women related issues i.e.Matrimonial dispute, Child custody,Rape, Dowry related issues, Maintenance, Propertyrelated, Sexualharassment at work place, Harassment by neighbours, Extra-marital relationships
Outcomes of Mahila Panchayat Progaramme
Through the Mahila Panchayat progarmme women have got the legal Aid services at their door steps, also they are sharing their problem openly in the Panchayat. Moslty cases related to Domestic Violence and other women related issues have been solved through Mahila Panchayat and women have taken free legal services through this programme. In our catchment area mostly Women and girls have been aware about their legal rights and started to come with their problem openly at our Mahila Panchayat Office.